Friday, 9 May 2008

back in Los Angeles

Buongiorno my friends,
you heard it right, I'm back in L.A.
Im coming out of a pretty rough week actually, since I had to get ready and leave for the US in only 3-4 days, so I haven’t been able to been on for quite awhile since I had to fix a few important things before leaving; I will be staying here in the US at least till August, maybe more, we'll see.
Right now I'm at Yaz's house (clown) and I got a really nice setup where I can practice without problems, unfortunately it wasn’t the case before my preseason match vs Kreegan which I was about to skip cuz of computers problems that didn’t let me play a single game for days till 1 hour before the actual match, but we decided to play anyway to scout some of my opponent strategies and playing style and I believe it was the right decision.
The San Francisco OPTX team is doing really well, We are up 3 wins to 0 in the preseason and I believe we'll be one of the top contender for this year - - props to all the players to put in the hours and consistency in their practice routines.
Yesterday night me and Clown drove down to CoinOP-TV where Yaz got interviewed by Rob and I have to say, it was a really cool/funny interview which should be up on our website soon.

My plans for this summer will be announced really soon, but as most of you guys know, I will be competing in the CGS and if everything goes as it should I will be at QuakeCon as well... after that, we'll see.. I'm still working on it and I'm waiting for answers.
My body is responding really well to the timezone change for once, I get hungry at the right times and I wake up around 9am every morning, so I feel good. I only went to the gym once this week but I plan on going today or tomorrow and start my usual schedule from next Monday again.
By the end of this month, finger crossed, I will have a really nice announcement to do and... will be up - - been working on it for awhile and things look really good!

Thanks everyone for the support as usual,
Alessandro "stermy" Avallone


Anonymous said...

Stermy in the QuakeCon :)

HEY, Ebryth call for a pic of your new haircut XD

Good luck, and be happy in LA

Anonymous said...

non vedo l'ora di scoprire di questo sito :D

comunque gg per la partita con kreegan e gg a tutti gli optx che stanno andando davvero forte, buona fortuna per i prossimi match e per la stagione entrante :)

stermy said...

My haircut is still the same, just a bit shorter since I wanted it to last a bit more than usual.

Mario, il sito avrà diverse features interessanti, speriamo di lanciarlo entro fine mese.

Jimmy said...

Ciao Ale... Oh ma a Settembre torna a trovarci in tha Liguria eh, che è sempre un piacere. In bocca al lupo per la stagione; mi raccomando stermynali tutti :-)
Un saluto dal caro vecchio BUGU

david santos said...

Ciao Alessandro, come và? Spero tutto bene per te. Buon lavoro. Un abbraccio e un buon fine settimana.

Anonymous said...
