sorry if I havent been able to update my blog but I've been really busy and alot of things happened from April.
In my last post i uploaded my Quake4 1.4.1's config, unfortunately the 1.4.2's wont be uploaded for now. Why? I'll explain to you now.
After the I30 Quake4 tournament in UK, I came back home and started practicing at my place for the upcoming Quake4 Season (WSVG / ESWC ) with Forever and 2 italian players VGAI and Ob3n.
During those days of practice tho, I decided that I wanted to try out for the Championship Gaming Series and so I was facing a new challange in my gaming career; The game I picked is Fifa, a football game, definately different from First person Shooter but a easy choice for me, since I love football and I've been playing football videogames forever.
Thanks to the Fatal1ty Brand, a Canadian player flu over to my Place in the end of May, practiced with me right before the Combine and then we both went to Los Angeles,where all the 6 GMs had to pick 1 fifa player for their franchise;At the draft, I got drafted for the San Francisco OPTX as the first Fifa pick, something I and most of the people didnt really expected.
The 23rd of June all the Players moved in together in a huge complex with really nice apartaments, a swimming pool, gym, basketball and tennis court and we'll be living here until the end of July.. Crazy uh? Imagine all 60 players "living" together for that long, meeting and having fun every day and at the same time, practice and be ready to win against their best friends and also opponents during the season.
I've been competing for so long in so many different tournaments, but this is definately a totally new and great experience.
First of all, the new "tournament" format it's really exciting and cool if you ask me. Every Frenchise is composed by 1 counter strike team (5 players), 1 DeadOrAlive male player, 1 DeadOrAlive Female Player, 2 Project Ghotam players and 1 Fifa Player.
Every round in counterstrike counts as 1 point, same thing goes for every round in DOA and every Goal in Fifa; For PGR,instead, 1st place gets 5 points, 2nd 3 points, 3rd 1 point, 4th nothing.
This means that, every point you gain or lose will effect the ending score of the match, resulting for a win or loss for you team; so even if you would win your game, your team might lose...It will take really long for me to explain everything and I have so many things to say, so it's better if you check for more informations about the League.
So...I'm living in a 4 people apartament, together with Dave Chapelle, our DOA Male player,MOE and CLown from our counterstrike team.. what can i say,we are having a great time and these guys are like brothers for me,we always support and help eachother and we really want to bring the San Francisco OPTX to the Global Final.
My fifa practice, after I got drafted was going pretty well, i was able to practice 6-8 hours a day before we moved to the apartmanets in Venice Beach and I was improving really fast, in fact, i was able to beat already 3 guys in the first week of the Season.. Unfortunately tho,we didnt have internet available for the first 2 weeks and most of the fifa players here dont really play against eachother, so that didnt really help me... Coming from a totally different background to a new game, i need costancy in my practice and alot of it... this combined to our busy schedule didnt really went in my favour.
In week 2 and 3, I had to play the top3 fifa players in the League, and even tho I managed to beat Novisname once, i wasnt able to beat KreeganBG and Wizakor yet.
I definately didnt expect to have such a busy schedule and it has been really hard to find fifa players around the world who were willing to come over to practice, because most of them have jobs or have school.
Right now tho,We are working into a new way of practice,looking forward to qualify for the playoff with the San Francisco OPTX and be ready for that...
Some notes:
- Kat Hunter: you believed in me, that's why you drafted me. I'll do my best for dont let u down
-Fifa Players: I'm playing fifa because I love football, LIKE YOU. I'm not doing it for show you guys something; FPS and SPORTS Game are different and I totally respect the work you guys put in this game. I know I came into your scene out of nothing and it is hard to accept, but believe me, I have the same passion as you! :)
- San Francisco OPTX: We are a great team,I love you guys! even tho we had a bad second week, I'm sure we are one of the best frenchise. Let's do it guys!
- Fatal1ty Brand: Thank you guys for the support as are always there when I need you!
- FPS players, FPS Community: I will never leave you. FPS have been my games since I started playing online in 2000 and I shared great moments of my life and career with you. I'll be back.
It's all for now.
Alessandro "stermy" Avallone

bella stermy!
che invidia. ti fai una vita troppo spassosa...
se posso vorrei chiederti.. ma un pro gamer come te che aspettative ha per il futuro?
Voglio dire.. magari ora ti diverti e guadagni bene con premi e ingaggi e sponsors, ma in un futuro spero lontano come ti vedi da "non-gamer"?
claudio aka hyper
torna presto sugli fps!, ci manca il tuo rail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nn è un doppio senso .. o forse si :DDDDDDDDDDD
Ciao a tutti volevo chiedere se eisiste un Buon Config anche per Quake 1.0
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