Tuesday, 15 January 2008

2008, #1 blog ? :)

Hello guys,
I hope all of you had a great Christmas and New year eve. I spent xmas with my family and then went snowboarding for New Year eve with my friends in Cortina, a really cool place in Italy.

Anyway, since I turned 21 on the 2nd January and trevor (p0s) just bought a new car for me, (see his blog for more infos at www.sfoptx.com), I cant wait to come back in the US and have a late bday party with the optx and also all my friends there, hopefully without a skateboard rescue ;)! (inside joke)

By the way,I dont know if you guys saw the news posted by Kat Hunter, but right after the CGS season finished, I did a Promotional Tour around the US for about 2 months, and right after that another Tour in Europe, which pretty much finished before the Holidays...so right now I'm totally back in business, practicing everyday in my training center in Italy.

I have different ideas for keep you guys update on what's going on with me so keep checkin my blogs for futher infos!

For now, here is a little present: my Quake4 1.4.2 config.
You can get it HERE
I'll also upload most of my FPS games config later on (quake3 OSP and CPMA, Painkiller, UT3 , etc).

It's all for now!
Take it easy,
Alessandro "stermy" Avallone