Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Small Update, Unreal Tournament 3 Beta demo Config

Hey guys,
sorry if I havent update my blog in a long time but I promise I'll do it as soon as I can, probably next week, after I come back from E4all in Los Angeles...
I just wanted to share with all of you my Unreal Tournament 3 Demo beta config.

I didnt want to change the whole game because it's just a beta,so the config it's tweaked but the graphic it's not "legoland" because I believe tournaments will not allow it, so it's kinda useless to practice that way :)

Put these 2 files in C:\Documents and Settings\your username\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3 Demo\UTGame\Config

NOTE: I also tryed this config on a medium quality system (AMD 4000+, 2gb ram corsair, 7800gtx,10.000rpm Raptor Hard-disk) and I get around 60-70 fps most of the times in 1v1, in some points even higher than 90.

EDIT: it seems there are some problems linked to the account/profile, so until I figure out what the problem is, i take out the link

For anything, let me know.

Alessandro "stermy" Avallone